21 Day Radiant Woman Breathwork, Somatic and Meditation Journey

21 Day Radiant Woman Breathwork, Somatic and Meditation Journey
Introducing my newest throat-chakra program, a comprehensive deep dive into breathwork, voice activation, somatic healing and meditation guided by me.
All audio recordings to listen to all at your own time, compact, self-paced, also overflowing with my loving guidance for your continued growth, confidence and grace in your embodied, radiant feminine expression.
For the woman who desires to feel comfortable in her voice, who shares her truth with ease and feels safe to be who she truly is, and explores the layers of her human experience in a fun and joyful way!
WEEK 1 – Aura Activation for Aligned Living - We will explore the art of self massage with breath and vocal toning practice to activate the heart chakra and throat chakra, to speak from our hearts. We stimulate the thyroid and use the power of my unique method of breathwork to rewire self-limiting patterns and become a true believer in your most radiant power.
WEEK 2 – From People Pleaser to Pleasure Magnet - We will uncover a powerful ritual using breath, voice and movement for attracting your deepest desires and becoming a magnet for your true “Sat Nam” - your highest alignment - and leaving behind (for good) the self-sabotaging habit of people-pleasing.
WEEK 3 – Explore Edges & Express Boundaries with Elegance - Here we present the challenge to face your edges, to smooth out the places where we hold tension and resistance to expressing ourselves, and we soften into grace to be articulate in our essence with elegance. This is the art of refined embodiment, and this is where we find ourselves in our most liberated power.
This 21-day self-paced training is $333, plus includes one hour 1:1 Embodiment Session with me.
Here's a preview of what you'll receive asap when you join:
Day 1: Welcome Home Expressed Woman Invocation
Day 2: Aura Activation for Aligned Living
Day 3: Sitali Breath Pranayama for Self-Regulation and Spacious Landing
Day 4: Aura Illumination Practice
Aura Magnetism and Protection Practice
Day 5: Aura Massage and Energetic Cleanse Ritual
Day 6: Returning to your Divine Union Within - Breath and Mantra Practice
Day 7: Brain Rewiring with Affirmation and Breath Practice
Day 8: Reclaiming Sacred Boundaries - TRE Tension Release Practice
Day 9: Somatic Practice to Release People Pleasing Habits of Playing Small
Day 10: Claiming what is Yours
Day 11: Somatic Release Breathwork and Brain Rewiring Practice to Take Up Space
Day 12: Wahe Guru Vocal Activation Practice to be in Your Power
Day 13: Breathwork Practice for Stepping into your Greatness
Day 14: Somatic Movement Practice to Heal Ancestral Waters
Day 15: Breathwork and Brain Rewiring Practice to Call Forth Your Radiance
Day 16: Chanting Practice to Anchor in Radiance Codes
Day 17: Mindfulness Practice for Exploring Edges and Boundaries
Day 18: Sat Kriya for Declaring Your Devotion to Truth
Day 19: Om Mane Padme Hum Mantra and Freestyle Practice
Day 20: Anchoring in Codes for Self-Reverence with Om Namah Shivaya
Day 21: Journey to Meet Your Future Self as The Expressed Woman
This is not only a no-brainer investment; let's be honest.
FOR YOUR HIGHEST ALIGNMENT and the ripple effect that this will bring into your relationships, your passions, and your community.
For those of you who have never worked with me, it is a great first dip into my work, too.
It is self-paced, meaning you can start anytime once you enroll and complete it at your own pace and listen in again and again. It is fun, too.
100% audio training accessible to play, replay and download on your phone or computer, multiple concise and digestible episodes each week with self-practices and integration invitations for a total of 21 days. Our first recording will be released this week with some practices to get you started.
So, if you're ready to give your life a huge energetic upgrade, let’s gooooooooo.
Let's make this journey together.
All my love,
Fern Olivia
Ps. How less than $16 a day could catapult your life to its next level….
I am pouring all my deepest learnings from the past 13 years of throat chakra activation into this sweet and potent 21 day experience, so you can receive all the golden jewels of my learnings - without having to go through “the mucky muck” what I went through… that’s the joy for me, knowing that at least all the challenges I experienced in my healing can at least be “field research” for you, and now I can support and guide you from an empowered place, so you can heal and truly THRIVE in your health, radiance and power on a much more accelerated timeline!
I cannot wait for you to get this for just $333 today. I truly believe that you are worthy of this.
My intention is that you have these audio transmissions as a go-to practice for consistent elevation for you to expand into!
… this could change EVERYTHING for you.